Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
5th Annual Conference on Epidemiology and Public Health, will be organized around the theme “Theme: Get into the whole field of exploring Epidemiology and Public Health”
EPIDEMIOLOGY HEALTH MEET 2022 is comprised of 20 tracks and 2 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in EPIDEMIOLOGY HEALTH MEET 2022.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Infectious Disease Epidemiology is a concise reference for practising epidemiologists, as well as a thorough understanding of basic concepts critical to understanding specialist areas of infectious disease epidemiology for trainee readers. Infectious disease epidemiology is the practical science concerned with reducing the impact of the pathogens on public health. Because pathogens and their hosts have both evolved, growth in biology is important for understanding the nature of their interactions for fitness, as well as for resolving the history of pathogen transmission. Whereas molecular data can define strains and the genetic variation that serves as the raw material for natural selection.Recent advancements in the growth in biology, particularly in the rapid determination of sequence data, are bringing it closer to the clinic.
- Track 1-1Infection
- Track 1-2zoonotic diseases
Cardiovascular diseases is the situation that affect your heart and blood vessels. Without suitable treatment, cardiovascular disease can lead to strokes or heart attacks. You can make lifestyle changes or take medications to be in charge of cardiovascular disease. The current vision of cardiovascular epidemiology point up an ecological approach that incorporates the full range of biological, environmental, and social determinants of cardiovascular health across the life course. Major advances in the cardiovascular epidemiology over the last 4 decades have increased our understanding of the pathogenesis of CVD, with the identification and treatment of several major risk factors.
- Track 2-1Heart Failure
- Track 2-2Arrhythmia
- Track 2-3Congenital heart disease
Although neurology and psychiatric disorders account for 28% of global disease and disability burden, clinical expertise and research capacity to conduct meaningful assessments of common conditions such as epilepsy and post-infectious neuropsychiatric disorders are almost entirely concentrated in the United States and other developed countries. INPEP is committed to researching common neurologic and psychiatric disorders that have an impact on public health in low-income, developing countries around the world. Neurodevelopmental disabilities, HIV-related problems, cerebral malaria, and CNS infectious diseases are examples of such conditions, as are common psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression, or behavioural disorders, which may be more prevalent or have unique risk factors in these settings.
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Psychiatric illnesses.
The study of dietary and nutritional factors in relation to disease occurrence at the population level is known as nutritional epidemiology. Nutritional epidemiology is a relatively new field of medical research that investigates the link between diet and health. It is a relatively new field of epidemiology that is becoming increasingly relevant to contemporary health concerns. Diet and physical activity are difficult to accurately measure, which may explain why nutrition has received less attention in epidemiology than other risk factors for disease. Nutritional epidemiology employs nutritional science knowledge to aid in the understanding of human nutrition and the explanation of fundamental underlying mechanisms.
- Track 4-1Health
- Track 4-2Foodborne Disease
Pharmacoepidemiology is the study of drug utilisation and effects in large groups of people; it provides an estimate of the likelihood of beneficial effects of a drug in a population as well as the likelihood of adverse effects. It is a science that spans both clinical pharmacology and epidemiology. Pharmacoepidemiology benefits from general epidemiology methodology and may further develop it for applications of methodology specific to pharmacoepidemiology needs.
- Track 5-1Clinical pharmacology
- Track 5-2Drugs
Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology is a peer-reviewed medical journal published bimonthly that covers epidemiologic research in pediatrics and perinatology. This area is concerned with the factors that influence health and disease in reproduction and childhood development. Many faculty members are experts in global maternal health and child development issues. Reproductive, perinatal, and pediatric health issues are among the most pressing issues of our time, both scientifically and politically.
- Track 6-1Maternal health
- Track 6-2Child development
The chronic disease epidemiology unit conducts research on the aetiology, prevention, distribution, natural history, and treatment outcomes of chronic health conditions such as cancer (particularly breast, colon, lung, prostate, ovary and pancreas). A disease or condition that typically lasts three months or longer and may worsen over time. Chronic diseases are more common in older people and can usually be managed but not cured. Cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis are the most common types of chronic disease.
- Track 7-1High blood pressure
- Track 7-2Coronary heart disease
The laws, regulations, actions, and decisions implemented within society to promote wellness and ensure that specific health goals are met are referred to as public health policy. Formal legislation to community outreach efforts are examples of public health policies. The field of public health policy management is critical not only for the government and health care industry sectors, but also for the general public. These professionals assist in the implementation of policies that ensure access to health care services, as well as in educating the public and improving health conditions.
- Track 8-1Public Health
- Track 8-2Health Policy
Immunization is a global success story in terms of health and development, saving millions of lives each year. Vaccines reduce the risk of contracting a disease by enhancing your body's natural defenses. Your immune system reacts when you receive a vaccine. We now have vaccines to prevent over 20 potentially fatal diseases, allowing people of all ages to live longer, healthier lives. Immunization currently saves the lives of 2-3 million people each year from diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, and measles. Immunization is an essential component of primary health care and an inalienable human right. It's also one of the best health investments you can make with your money. Vaccines are also important in the prevention and control of infectious disease outbreaks.
- Track 9-1Covishield
- Track 9-2Covaxin
The study of disease in plant populations is known as plant disease epidemiology. Plant diseases, like human and animal diseases, are caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, phytoplasmas, protozoa, and parasitic plants. Plant disease epidemiologists work to understand the causes and effects of disease and to devise strategies to intervene when crop losses occur. Plant diseases are detected using both destructive and non-destructive methods. Understanding the immune system responses in plants will also help to benefit and limit crop loss. Depending on the crop value, successful intervention will usually result in a low enough level of disease to be acceptable.
- Track 10-1Bacteria
- Track 10-2Viruses
The study of disease distribution and environmental determinants is known as environmental epidemiology. This observational science is based on events that occur within human populations, known as natural experiments, from which inferences are drawn to identify disease causes. Environmental epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology that studies how environmental exposures affect human health. This field studies how various external risk factors can predispose to or protect against disease, illness, injury, developmental abnormalities, or death. These factors may occur naturally or be introduced into environments where people live, work, and play.
- Track 11-1Microbiological pathogens
- Track 11-2Abnormalities
Genetic epidemiology is a relatively new medical field that studies how genetic factors interact with the environment in the context of disease in populations. Among the topics being researched are the causes of inherited disease, as well as its distribution and control. The study of how genetic factors contribute to health and disease in families and populations, as well as how genes interact with environmental factors is known as genetic epidemiology. The field of genetic epidemiology has made significant contributions to medicine and public health. The use of newborn screening to detect inherited disorders in offspring is one example.
- Track 12-1Human genetics
- Track 12-2Mycobacterium leprosy
Molecular pathological epidemiology (MPE, also known as molecular pathologic epidemiology) is a branch of epidemiology that combines pathology and epidemiology. It is defined as "epidemiology of molecular pathology and disease heterogeneity." Pathology and epidemiology share the same goal of elucidating disease aetiology, and MPE aims to accomplish this goal at the molecular, individual, and population levels. MPE typically makes use of tissue pathology resources and data from existing epidemiology studies. MPE and conventional-type molecular epidemiology using traditional disease designation systems are both included in the term "molecular epidemiology."
- Track 13-1Immunology
- Track 13-2Drug therapy
The Program in Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics (PGSG), formerly known as the Program in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology, is dedicated to the genetic analysis of complex human diseases. The study of how genetic factors contribute to health and disease in families and populations, as well as how genes interact with environmental factors, is known as genetic epidemiology. SPH statistical geneticists create statistical methods for understanding the genetic basis of human diseases and traits. Large-scale data sets from candidate-gene, genome-wide, and sequencing studies, involving both unrelated and related individuals, are used in these methods. SPH statistical geneticists collaborate with other SPH and international researchers on studies of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, psychiatric disease, and health-related behaviours (e.g. smoking, diet).
- Track 14-1Respiratory disease
- Track 14-2Heart disease
The study of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease in patient populations, as well as the relationships between exposures or treatments and health outcomes, is known as clinical epidemiology. A clinical epidemiologist is a medical professional who studies disease and its spread. They primarily use research to improve clinical and patient-centered healthcare. They will work in labs and in the field, and they may be given a variety of responsibilities.
- Track 15-1Diagnosis
- Track 15-2Prognosis
The study of the causes (aetiology) of mental disorders in society, as well as the conceptualization and prevalence of mental illness, is the focus of psychiatric epidemiology. It is a subfield of the larger field of epidemiology. Its origins can be traced back to early twentieth-century sociological studies. While sociological exposures are still widely studied in psychiatric epidemiology, the field has since expanded to include the investigation of a wide range of environmental risk factors, such as major life events and genetic exposures. Neuroscientific techniques such as MRI are increasingly being used to investigate the mechanisms underlying how exposure to risk factors may impact psychological problems, as well as the neuroanatomical substrate underlying psychiatric disorders.
- Track 16-1Mental disorders
- Track 16-2Physical illness
Women's health can be examined using a variety of indicators that differ depending on geography, socioeconomic status, and culture. Multiple dimensions of well-being must be examined in comparison to global health averages as well as men in India in order to adequately improve women's health in India. Health is a critical factor that influences both human well-being and economic growth. Currently, women in India face a slew of health issues, which have a knock-on effect on the overall economy's output. Addressing gender, class, and ethnic disparities in healthcare and improving health outcomes can lead to economic gains through the creation of quality human capital and increased levels of savings and investment.
- Track 17-1Therapeutic drugs
- Track 17-2Gestational diabetes
Emerging infectious diseases are infectious diseases that have recently emerged in a population or that existed previously but are rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range. Several factors contribute to the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases, but the majority can be linked to the increasing number of people living and moving on the planet: Rapid and intense international travel; overcrowding in cities with inadequate sanitation; and changes in the handling and processing of large amounts of food.
- Track 18-1Influenza
- Track 18-2Pneumococcal disease
Epidemiology in oral health is a growing field of scientific knowledge that can be used to combine clinical dental care models with optimal protocols. It also broadens discussions about oral pathologies and their relationship to biopsychosocial factors. Oral hygiene is the practise of keeping one's mouth clean and free of disease and other problems (such as bad breath) on a regular basis by brushing one's teeth (dental hygiene) and cleaning between the teeth. To prevent dental disease and bad breath, oral hygiene must be practised on a regular basis.
- Track 19-1Periodontal disease
- Track 19-2Etiology
Epidemiology is a branch of medicine that studies the distribution of disease in human populations and the factors that influence that distribution, primarily through the use of statistics. Epidemiology is the study of the "distribution and determinants" of diseases or disorders within groups of people, as well as the development of knowledge on how to prevent and control them.
- Track 20-1Paralytic disease
- Track 20-2Pseudomonas infections